90% of Shoppers Want Self-Checkout Machines to Automatically Identify Items According to Shekel-Sponsored Consumer Survey
Source: Shekel Brainweigh Ltd.
NEW YORK–While nearly two-thirds of consumers frequently use self-checkout machines at the grocery store, nearly 75% stated difficulty in entering goods and frequent overrides were their biggest concerns with the technology. And 90 percent of consumers desire self-checkout machines that can automatically identify items. The survey conducted over SurveyMonkey and sponsored by advanced weighing technology leader Shekel Brainweigh Ltd. (ASX: SBW), takes consumers’ pulse on checkout, vending machines, convenience and autonomous store technologies. Nearly 80 percent of survey respondents were between the ages of 18-60 years old and 62% were female.
Key findings of the survey include:
Nearly 80 percent of consumers needed assistance at least once during their self-checkout experience, and almost 30 percent of consumers using self-checkout were pulled aside by store personnel to check their purchases.
Nearly 60% were more likely to use self-checkout if technology improvements (system simplification, automated entries and more accuracy) were deployed.
Nearly 90% of respondents visit convenience stores at least once a week for grocery items
Nearly 25% said the fastest possible checkout would also significantly improve their experience.